Sunday, May 25, 2008

Kids Helping Kids

Here's a heart-warming story of kids halfway around the world reaching out to other kids in a wonderful new economic model where preteens make clothing to sell to preteens...

The above has inspired me to consider other innovative economic ideas...

I think I can solve the impending health care problem and old age pensions created by the baby boomers by reclassifying people over 65 to be "property" (just like in the US Constitution!). That way you can buy and sell the old fogies and there will no longer be any of those pesky requirements for health care spending or pensions. Who does health care for a washing machine or gives a pension to a vacuum cleaner?

This concept can be generalized! If this trend of converting pesky "people" problems in to "property" is extended to other age groups, then maybe by the end of this century the only legal "persons" left will be the corporations. The rest of us will have become property and therefore have no more economic claims on the government.

What a great solutions!

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