Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Political Hypocrisy

You can't get much more blatant in your hypocrisy than what the EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) discovers in US Congressman John Boehner. The EFF describes how Boehner wants telecommunication privacy for himself while vigorously working politics to deny it to anybody else. Boehner successfully sues for $1.1 million to protect his own privacy while pushes laws that remove privacy for other people!
When ordinary Americans are victimized, Boehner's taken every opportunity to caricature their representatives at EFF and ACLU as "unscrupulous trial lawyers" who are "trying to find a way to get into the pockets of the American companies." But when Boehner himself is the victim, suddenly defense attorneys don't seem so unscrupulous to him, and he has no problem employing his own litigators to receive a $1.1 million reward.

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