Monday, August 25, 2008

Krugman Comes Out Guns Blazing

It is reassuring to see that Paul Krugman, who so ardently supported Hillary Clinton and was unhappy about Barack Obama, has finally got his blood boiling and coming in to the political fray. Here's Krugman's latest op-ed in the NY Times. I especially enjoy the imagery of "bringing a knife to a gunfight":
Over the past month or so many Democrats have had the sick feeling that once again their candidate brought a knife to a gunfight. Barack Obama’s campaign, inexplicably, was unprepared for the inevitable Republican attack on the candidate’s character. By the middle of last week, Mr. Obama’s once formidable lead, both in national polls and in electoral college projections based on state-level polls, had virtually evaporated.

Mr. Obama’s waning advantage brought back bad memories of the 2004 campaign, whose key lesson was that there are no limits to the form G.O.P. character attacks can take.

You might think, for example, that a party claiming to support the troops would shy away from attacking a war hero’s military record — but back in 2004 the Swift-boat lies were enthusiastically embraced by Republican activists, and helped neutralize the advantage John Kerry was supposed to get from his biography.

And you might think that a party committed to tax cuts for the rich, a party that routinely castigates those who engage in “class warfare,” would shy away from attacking a Democrat for his wealth. But raw class envy played an important role in the attacks on Mr. Kerry, whom Rush Limbaugh described repeatedly as a “gigolo” with a “sugar daddy wife,” and G.O.P. supporters don’t seem to have experienced any cognitive dissonance.
Read the whole article. Krugman goes behind the cartoon caricatures to show you good in bad on both sides. Life isn't black-or-white. There is a lot of murky gray out there!

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