Tuesday, August 19, 2008

McCain Bashing

I'm horrified to see McCain running within a few points of Obama. I just can't believe that the American people are going to repeat the mistake of 2000 and the mistake of 2004 with the mistake of 2008. Isn't there country wrecked enough by Bush and his "trickle down" economics and his war policies? Don't the American people catch on with the sensationalist "issues" that the Republican party trots out quadrennially to fire up "the base" to win another victory for the top 0.5% of the population? The real "elite" in America?

McCain is a flawed mini-me of George Bush. If you don't believe me, listen to Keith Olbermann:

Part 1

Part 2

And here is a Keith Olbermann / Rachel Maddow discussion of McCain's bombastic militarism with regard to Russia in the Georgia/Russia crisis:

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