Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Sad State of US Politics

Here is a blog entry by Richard H. Serlin that points to the sad state of American politics:
If only we had kept the extremist right in power...

...we might eventually have achieved our goal of becoming a third world country.

From the New York Times today:
Frederick Hess, an education policy analyst at the American Enterprise Institute, criticized the bill as failing to include mechanisms to encourage districts to bring school budgets in line with property tax revenues, which have plunged with the bursting of the real estate bubble.

"It's like an alcoholic at the end of the night when the bars close, and the solution is to open the bar for another hour," Mr. Hess said.
Yes, spending on education is like spending on alcohol. If only we weren't so addicted to education we might be a dirt poor third world country today.

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