Sunday, April 26, 2009

Talking Points and Scare Mongering

Here is an interesting video of Representative Henry Waxman taking Newt Gingrich to task for misusing "facts" to spread fear in his efforts to oppose new energy legislation:

Notice how Newt Gingrich evades taking responsibility for his "facts". He has been pushing a point of view based on "facts" but when questioned about the facts he becomes vague. Waxman takes him to the woodshed because the author of the MIT study disavows the use the Republicans are trying to make of it. Instead of the $3,128 a year per household the Republicans are using in their scare tactics, the real number according to Riley, the "source", is that it is only 40 cents per day. To see the letter from Riley to Republican John Boehner, look here.

For more gory details, go look at Brad Johnson's blog The Wonk Room at the Think Progress website.

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