Sunday, July 26, 2009

Michael Greenberg's "Hurry Down Sunshine"

I really enjoyed this book. It was extremely well written and the "story" was gripping. (It's a biography, so I put story in quotes.)

Not only was I fascinated by the lives, I loved the use of language (the daughter has "dystopic mania" with an obsession with words and the idea that she has reached a blessed state shared only with young children). This was a very human story. It was real. It had ups and downs. It had many characters with good and bad interactions. There were "plot" twists. There was a Hollywood ending with a tempering that points out that a "good life" was several pegs down from what most people would hold up as ideal.

I was completely engrossed in the story and gobbled the book up. That's always a good sign of a great read.

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