Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Police with Too Much Free Time

Here's a video of a Washington D.C. cop who doesn't like kids throwing snowballs so he climbs out of Humvee and draws his pistol to show the kids who's boss...

The short version:

The longer version:

I find this odd... it isn't that Washington D.C. has no muggings, robberies, rapes, or assaults. As I understand it, the D.C. constantly complain about being understaffed and over-worked. But if they have time to pull guns on kids throwing snowballs, I wonder just how "overworked" they are. Clearly they are recruiting mentally deficient people to staff the police in Washington D.C. and I suspect if they concentrated on real crimes they would discover they have more than enough time to do their job. It is when you decide to pick on innocent civilians that your time just runs through your fingers...

If you want to read about it, here is a local paper's account. Notice how this paper points out that the Washington Post views its job as "spokesman for the Washington D.C. police" and they proceed to whitewash the event. But in today's world where video is everywhere, the Washington Post proves its absolute incompetence and its disregard for the truth. The video shows the truth. The Washington Post is exposed as a propaganda outlet for the local government.

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