Saturday, February 13, 2010

Canadian Politics

Putting a finger to the pulse of Canadian politics, I find this juicy bit posted on BoingBoing:

Abel LeBlanc, a Liberal member of the New Brunswick legislative assembly, was thrown out of the room yesterday after he gave a rival politician the finger, called her a liar, and then asked the entire parliament to "go outside" (presumably for some sort of fisticuffs).
Listen closely to learn the secrets of classic 'Canadian compromise' and understand how the traditional 'reserved and diffident Canadian disposition' prepares one for sitting in a legislative assembly and dealing with matters of utmost gravity.

The issue that deserves meditation is which of the following two demonstrates the best art of politics:
Which best advances the finer points of poltical debate? I must admit, I'm floored. I have no immediate answer. But I do love the Canadian flair and that New Brunswick accent!

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