Thursday, March 17, 2011

Obama's Message Read "Loud and Clear"

The inept, foot dragging of Obama in the face of the desperate struggle for a "people's democracy" in the Middle East has finally succeeded in getting the message through loud and clear to the thuggish authoritarians in the region.

From the NY Times:
Bahrain Pulls a Qaddafi


It is heartbreaking to see a renegade country like Libya shoot pro-democracy protesters. But it’s even more wrenching to watch America’s ally, Bahrain, pull a Qaddafi and use American tanks, guns and tear gas as well as foreign mercenaries to crush a pro-democracy movement — as we stay mostly silent.
There is more. Go read the original.

This is the obvious consequence of Obama acting like a politician. Publicly he is saying that the US supports "democracy". But all of his hesitant steps have succeeded in convincing the cruelest of the cruel that this is just a facade. The real American policy is to give the dictators time to shoot and kill the demonstrators so that the American policy of "security and stability" is achieved. The public policy is "democracy" but the real agenda is "keep the thugs in place". That's Obama's vision for the Middle East.

Here's a bit more from Kristoff's article to give you an idea of how Obama's "policy" is radicalizing the Middle East. He is creating an underclass which will burn with even greater hatred for America and its vicious stooges:
I wrote a few weeks ago about a distinguished plastic surgeon, Sadiq al-Ekri, who had been bludgeoned by security forces. At the time, I couldn’t interview Dr. Ekri because he was unconscious. But I later returned and was able to talk to him, and his story offers a glimpse into Bahrain’s tragedy.

Dr. Ekri is a moderate Shiite who said his best friend is a Sunni. Indeed, Dr. Ekri recently took several weeks off work to escort this friend to Houston for medical treatment. When Bahrain’s security forces attacked protesters, Dr. Ekri tried to help the injured. He said he was trying to rescue a baby abandoned in the melee when police handcuffed him. Even after they knew his identity, he said they clubbed him so hard that they broke his nose. Then, he said, they pulled down his pants and threatened to rape him — all while cursing Shiites.

The Arab democracy spring that begun with such exhilaration in Tunisia and Egypt is now enduring a brutal winter in Libya, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. The United States bases the Navy’s Fifth Fleet in Bahrain, and we have close relations with the Bahraini government. We’re not going to pull out our naval base.
The odd fact is that propaganda within the US talks about how Americans go to extreme lengths to help others, how Americans show compassion, how Americans love democracy and want to bring it to the rest of the world. That's what the American people hear. But what the world sees is the "official Washington policy" which props up dictators and turns its back on real democracy. The US is more concerned with "grooming" its market for weapons and "access" than it is in seeing indigenous aspirations achieved. The American people can't understand why they aren't loved around the world. The internal propaganda has them convinced they are they guys wearing the white hats. But generations of administrations -- Obama being the latest one -- bully the rest of the world and wear the black hat. Sad.

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